

所属游戏: 纪元1404:探索的开端
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ANNO 1404 - Patch Notes 1.1

The most important changes:

- A crash while saving a game could result in the online profile being lost. This error has been fixed.

- The use of special characters within the Windows user name, profile name or savegame name caused several errors (eg invalid savegames or crashes). This error has been fixed.

- Memory errors could lead to invalid savegames under specific hardware configurations. This error has been fixed.

- Ships which have destroyed a target now wait at that spot for new orders rather than returning to their starting point.

- The AI was unable to settle some islands. This error has been fixed.

- A function was implemented allowing the items offered at all three ports to be changed. The player now has the opportunity have the Items on offer changed upon payment of a fee in gold.

- Military influence areas and firing radii were visually improved to further simplify use of the military.

- Norias no longer worked properly after buying the "Mystery of the nomads' achievement. This error has been fixed.

- The "Scroll through Ships" and "Scroll through Warehouses" buttons were moved to a more prominent position above the minimap.

- The achievements "We have no time to lose" and "The Emirate" have been adjusted. The Imperial Cathedral must now be built in 7 hrs and the Sultan's Mosque in 5 hrs (previously 8 hrs and 6 hrs). In return, the condition requiring the people's satisfaction level to be "adequately satisfied" or better was removed.


-保存一个游戏时出现的故障可能导致丢失的在线概况。 此错误已被修正。

-使用 Windows 用户的名称、 配置文件的名称或 savegame 名称中的特殊字符引起的几个错误 (如无效 savegames 或崩溃)。 此错误已被修正。

内存错误会导致在特定硬件配置无效 savegames。 此错误已被修正。


-认可机构不能解决一些群岛。 此错误已被修正。

-函数实现允许要更改的项目提供所有三个港口。 现在玩家有提供金缴费后更改的项的机遇。


-norias 不再正常工作后购买 「 游牧民族的成就之谜。 此错误已被修正。


-成就"我们没有任何损失的时间"和"The 酋长国"已调整。 帝国大教堂现在生成的 7 小时和苏丹的清真寺 5 小时 (以前 8 小时和 6 小时)。 回报要求会充分满意或更好的人的满意程度的条件已被删除。

2009-10-11《纪元1404:探索的开端》v1.1升级补丁    【204MB】 多国